Resources : CBOQ Youth


CBOQ Youth Exists to serve God by mobilizing and developing Youth Workers and Churches across Ontario and Quebec, alongside Christian Youth Agencies in effectively engaging youth with the person and message of Jesus and empower them in the next generation's journey towards being fully-committed Christ-Followers:

  • Connected to a faith community (I Belong)
  • Clear in their identity as a child of God (I Believe)
  • Cultivating intimacy with Jesus and developing Christlike character (I Breathe)
  • Contagious and Active in living out their faith (We're becoming)

Check out resources including our Bridge Docs, Ministry Resource Guide, Curriculum, Post-Secondary, and Resource Links.

Access Young Leaders' Collective Program

Access Next Generation Onboarding Guide

Access Gr. 12 Graduate Mentor Package

Access Emerging Pastoral Leadership Guide

Access Kurios Gap Year Experience

Access Power to Change - Students' Internship

Access YFC, National Online 'Change Conference'

Access CBOQ Assy Youth Delegate Perspective

Access All CBOQ Youth Holdings

Resources : CBM

Canadian Baptist Ministries International Staff are at the forefront of fulfilling our commitment to bridging people and projects across the globe. Together in partnership, our International Staff work through an integrated approach with our partners and local churches internationally, in the areas of building the church, kids at risk, poverty, justice, and crisis response.

CBM’s Canadian Staff work from head office located in Mississauga, ON. The Canadian Staff work closely and collaboratively with churches across Canada, supporting mission endeavours and their local engagement within the community.

Find an exhibit of tools to support engagement in our mission, faith & growth. Explore our publications, stay informed and engaged with mission project work globally and across Canada.

  • Mosaic Magazine

  • CBM Responding

  • Kids Care

  • Prayerline

  • Discipleship Resources

Church Service Toolkit:

Free, accessible resources for you and your Church to use all year long. Choose whichever resources suit your service best.

  • Sermons
  • Prayer Items (Prayerline)
  • Global mission updates
  • Music
  • Seasonal Resources
  • Connect with Field Staff

Access 'Create & Cultivate' Partnership

Access Learning Library

Access All CBM Holdings

Resources : CBOQ

A family of churches, transformed by Christ, revealing God's kingdom.

CBOQ supports local churches and their communities by training leaders, supporting innovative ministries, responding compassionately to social needs, responding to crises and providing churches with administrative and financial services. In partnership with our local churches, CBOQ also plays a collaborative role in seeding new expressions of church for today.

By providing resources for churches and leaders, we seek to share the good news of Jesus with our neighbours and share with others the love he has shown us.

The Canadian Baptist Magazine 2023 is available. This is a yearly publication that highlights stories from across our CBOQ family! Physical copies may have been delivered to your mailbox. You can also read the digital copy at:

Find archived copies of several stacks of Baptist Journals including "The Canadian Baptist" Magazine, as curated at:

Access 'THRIVE' Conversation / Roadmap

Access CBOQ Renewal & Revitalization

Access Lay Pastors' Training Program

Access 'R.E.A.D. On' Bookstore

Access CBOQ Assembly 2024

Access CBOQ Micro Grants

Access "CBOQ Now" Webinar Series

Access All CBOQ Holdings

Resources : CBOQ Kids

CBOQ Children and Family Ministries exists to serve God by developing and mobilizing frontline children and family ministry leaders across Ontario and Quebec in partnership with Christian family agencies in engaging children and empowering families to reach their God-given potential.

Guidance is exhibited to the best resources for introducing children to faith in Christ. Resources and suggestions to cultivate the spiritual formation of children & family ministry:

  • Recommendations of curriculums for children and family ministry.
  • One Stage to the Next: A booklet to help churches effectively support children and youth as they mature in their faith. It is an updated (2021) version of Transitions.
  • Develop an intentionally anti-racist posture in your community of faith with kids.
  • Cultivate an environment for kids to experience God and help them grow in relationship with God.

Access CBM Summer Camp Educational Mission Kit

Access All CBOQ Kids Holdings

Resources : CBWOQ


vision: empowered women transforming the world as God’s Beloved

mission: inspiring women to[re]claim their intimate connection to God’s calling


  • Create resources and host events to help you draw closer to God and grow in leadership skills.
  • Support causes and provide ideas to connect to your community.
  • Fund projects to help the vulnerable locally and around the world.

Access 'Uptick' Baptist Women's Leadership Program

Access 'Sisters in Strength' Webinar

Access the 'Great Canadian Bible Study'

Access 'Sensible Shoes' Book Club

Access 'Soul Sisters' Study 1, 2 & 3

Access CBWOQ worthy mission 'causes'

Access prior BWA Women's World Day of Prayer - 2023

Access All CBWOQ Holdings