Monthly Calendar of Events

CBOQ Pastor’s Day is a special event organized by the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. Traditionally, it occurs on the day prior to CBOQ Assembly. Here are the details for Pastor’s Day 2024: Pastor’s Day is for our active CBOQ pastors to gather with your co-labourers to share ideas, develop relationships and find mutual
  • Hilton 6750 Mississauga Rd., Meadowvale L5N 2L3
Our theme for Assembly 2024 is "All Hands on Deck", highlighting that every church and every person in our CBOQ family makes a difference. What is CBOQ Assembly? Assembly is an annual gathering of CBOQ’s family of churches. Part annual general meeting, part conference, and part family reunion, Assembly aims to provide a nurturing
The Study Every year, Baptist women across Canada meet in small groups to do a pre-set Bible study that focuses on women from the Bible. Participants bring a small offering to support a joint project for a number of years. Great things happen! We hope you’ll gather some women together and try this study for yourself. Many groups choose a